this picture was taken like 7 months ago in monterrey, the first guy from left to righ, Jearim, and the girl who isnt me, koko, are my best friends, they both live in monterrey, we were posing like this because according to us the camera was trying to capture our sole haha, we weren't drunk or anything we were just being goofy, like we always are.
I love these guys so much, when times go tough and everyone seemed have turned their back on me, these guys have always been there for me, along with my parents obviously, they're such loyal people, who no matter what, always have time to listen to me and they know they can count on me just the same way.
we may no see very often, because of our duties at school, but we keep in tounch, and we always know what the other have been up to, we see for sure on vacations or holidays in valles, but sometimes they come down to visit me or i go up to see them over a weekend.
i have spent lots and lots of the funniest moments of my life with them and i really thank God for surrounding me with the greatest people in the world, because for each person who has stabbed me in the back, God gives me two shoulders to cry on and two arms to hold me.